Vintage T-shirts and Retro Tees
Vintage t-shirts and retro tees are a way to please
those who wish to reminisce about the 1950s, 60s, 70s
and 80s. The vintage and retro t-shirt slogans on this
page help to honor the days of old with humor and a
smile. Buy a few vintage t-shirts today for your friends
and family as they make for excellent presents of the

V1. Disco Here, Disco There
V2. Far Out!
V3. Honey, I'm Home
V4. Leg warmers and "Footloose" anyone?
V5. Frogger or Pacman?
V6. Gag Me With A Spoon!
V7. Who took my X-ray glasses?
V8. I'm A Streaker With An Attitude
V9. You can fondle my Pet Rocks if I can touch your
Puka shells.
V10. My Dashboard Hula Girl Can Beat Up Your Dangling
V11. Do Your Own Thing
V12. Dig It!
V13. If it feels good, do it.
V14. I ran down 7 streakers with my moped.
V15. I work in a Rubik's cubicle.
V16. Injured my back from breakdancing.
V17. Tetherball should be an Olympic sport.
V18. PSYCHE!!!
V19. My bell bottoms cause 'ringing in the ear'
V20. My MOOD RING Is Getting Very Black!
V21. My Lava Lamp Melted My Ouija Board
V22. Let's do some hoops: Hula Hoops
V23. Panty Raid!
V24. My Bubble Gum Cigar Needs Licking
V25. Car Hop
V26. If you swallow a goldfish, I'll give you a Slinky.
V27. Kilroy was here
V28. My Zoot Suit Is At The Dry Cleaners.
V29. I rescued my Pound Puppy at the...uh...pound.
V30. Groovy!
V31. I made most of my memories at a drive-in theatre.
V32. Dungeons & Dragons helped me become warlord
of a third world country.
V33. I used to talk to my plants before I saw the
Little Shop of Horrors.
V34. I use only bottled H2O in my waterbed.
V35. Rocky Horror showed me the Timewarp!
V36. I drive my dog crazy with my boomerang.
V37. TALENTED! I can hula hoop, play frisbee and lawn
darts all at the same time.
V38. Billy Barty taught me how to play miniature golf.
V39. My mini skirts shows off my maxi pad.
V40. Sock It To Me!
V41. Peace
V42. Have A Nice Day
V43. Make Love, Not War
V44. I was at Woodstock
V45. WOODSTOCK: an event, not a bird.
Hear what the old timers are saying about vintage and
retro t-shirts:
I'm in love with these funny vintage t-shirts! These
retro tees make me want to pee my pants, they're so
funny! I wear a different vintage t-shirt every day
of the week. This is how much I like them. If you like
retro t-shirts like I do, then you'll buy a whole month's
worth, too.
- May West