Golf Quotes on T-shirts
Golf quotes on t-shirt will make your buddies laugh
up a lung. The next time you're out on the links why
not wear one of these famous golf quote t-shirts and
make your friends laugh while they're putting. Even
if these tees don't give you the advantage on the old
18 holes, you can amuse your friends with these golf
quotes on t-shirts on the 19th hole.

Go1. Nice shot. You're still
Go2. Keep your balls clean
and your putter covered.
Go3. FORE!!!
Go4. Will you give me strokes?
Of course, I'm talking about Golf.
Go5. Mulligan, a golfer's
best friend
Go6. Driving outside the
Go7. Slicer or Hooker?
Go8. Watch the birdie
Go9. Drive for show, Putt
for dough, Shank for comic relief.
Go10. Stand back ladies,
I'm taking out my driver.
Go11. Golf is a game where
the ball lies poorly, and the players well.
Go12. If there is any larceny
in man, golf will bring it out.
Go13. Golf is the most fun
I've ever had with my clothes on
Go14. Golf is for those
who like to stroke it.
Go15. Golf is my bag, man.
Go16. My only goal is to
hit my drives past the ladies' tees.
Go17. Golf is harder than
baseball. In golf, you have to play your foul balls.
Go18. I play in the low
80s. If it's any hotter than that, I won't play.
Go19. Golf is the only sport
where the most feared opponent is you.
Go20. Why is it five times
more difficult to hit a ball over water than turf?
Go21. When I'm on a golf
course and it starts to rain and lightning, I hold up
my one iron, 'cause I know even God can't hit a one
iron. - Lee Trevino
Go22. I'm in the woods so
much I can tell you which plants are edible.
- Lee Trevino
Go23. The harder you work,
the luckier you get. - Gary Player
Go24. I know I'm getting
better at golf because I'm hitting fewer spectators.
- Gerald Ford
Go25. I don't fear death...
but I sure do hate those three footers for par.
- Chi Chi Rodriquez
Go26. Who's Your Caddy?
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Hear what the golfers are saying about our famous golf
quotes on t-shirts:
I love these funny golf quotes on t-shirts! These golf
quotes are so funny they make me want to turn my head
and cough up a couple of balls. I've just bought some
t-shirts with funny golf quotes on them for the entire
season. If you want your buddy to squirt beer out his
nose from laughing then wear one of these funny golf
t-shirts. Also, if you're looking for a golf
training aid then this is the place to get
you back on your game.
- Ben Hogan