Funny Quotes on T-shirts
Funny quotes on t-shirts are featured along with hilarious
tomfoolery. The funny quotes here feature frivolity
that will make you fart, laugh and generally explode
with excitement. Forget girly-man graphics, funny quotes
are where its at, man. If you like funny quotes on t-shirts
and silly sayings and supercilious slogans, you have
come to the right place, my friend.

B1. Caution Blonde Thinking
B2. I used to jog 5 miles a day. Then I found a short
B4. Use Your Words
B5. Multiple Snoregasms
B6. I Want What I Want
B7. Do Not Resuscitate
B8. Don't Wait! Procrastinate!
B9. When the student is ready, the Bastard appears.
B10. Following My Bliss Pisses Me Off!
B11. Recovering Anal Retentive
B12. Conspiracy Theorist
B13. I Pee on the Toilet Seat!
B14. Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey (which is true in
mechanics and politics)
B15. How Stupid Do They Think We Are?
B16. Goofballs Rule!
B17. I got a pair of hamsters for my teenage son.
I think I made a good trade.
B18. My camoflauge store went belly up because no
one could find it.
B19. I would enjoy jogging if it wasn't for those
long walks back.
B20. My Roommate's An Idiot
B21. Kids today are spoiled. But nothing a little
refrigeration won't cure.
B22. My uncle is a politician. You have to read between
the lies.
B23. God is a single parent, too.
B24. INSOMNIA is nothing to lose sleep over.
B25. Chipmunks Who Parachute (conversation starter)
B26. My own mortality will be the Death of me yet.
B27. Don't bother me. I'm trying to rationalize something.
B28. If you love someone, set them free. If they come
back, set them on fire.
B29. I Love My Job, I Love My Job, I Love My Job.
B30. Eating Disorder. I can't keep from putting my
foot in my mouth.
B31. All The Do Da Day
B32. Riddle: If 4 drivers come to a 4-way stop at
exactly the same time, whose turn is it? It's MY TURN!
B33. Irony Poor Blood
B34. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
B35. Shape Shifter
B36. Just because it takes the Jaws of Life to get
my wallet open doesn't mean I'm cheap!
B37. Slow Thinkers Keep Right.
B38. It's not what others think of you that counts,
it's what you think others think of you that
B39. I fart, therefore I am
B40. Hemorrhoid
B41. I bite the hand that feeds me.
B42. My kid is a pregant honor student
B43. Too Much Reality TV
B44. Slow Service With A Smile
B45. Are We There, Yet?
B46. I Am The Cold Shiver Running Down Your Spine
B47. My Time of the Month, Period.
B48. Rationalize Something Today!
B49. Me So Corny
B50. Humans come in all different states of disrepair
B51. If you can't beat 'em, annoy 'em!
B52. row row row your boat
gently down the stream
merrily merrily merrily merrily
I just have to scream
B53. Guns don't kill people, I kill people.
B54. Woke up from the American Dream
B55. I'm a good habit to get into
B56. Vaseline Alley
B57. Vacuum Cleaners Suck
B58. Doing more harm than good
B59. Programmer Needs Job. Willing To Do Windows.
B60. Intolerance will not be Tolerated!
B61. I'm Not 50. I'm $49.95!
B62. I'm A 'Dogs Playing Poker' Kind Of Guy.
B63. California: Where even the illegal aliens have
cell phones.
B64. Warren Terror
B65. huked on fonics reely wurked fer mee
B66. I'm a Local and if you're not - GO AWAY!
B67. Paris Hilton Head
B68. Sometimes I Aim To Please, Other Times I Shoot
To Kill
B69. Princess
B70. The Rules Don't Apply To Me
B71. The World Owes Me A Living
B72. Get a life? Where can I download one?
B73. I Pee In The Pool
B74. Not Guilty By Reason Of Celebrity
B75. OY!
B76. Don "Nappy Headed" Ho Receives Hawaiian
Funny quotes on t-shirts are featured
so why not buy a whole case for the family? Okay, buy
a whole case of t-shirts with funny quotes for the whole
extended family. You're family is over-extended as it
is? Then just buy a few funny quotes t-shirts for yourself.
Do you like funny quotes? Check out this site. We have
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I also peed my pants when I read some of the funny quotes
here. What I did instead, though is when I read some
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- Indira Gandhi