Cool T-shirts
Cool t-shirts are featured on this rather silly page.
If you like tons of puns upon cool t-shirts, then this
is the place for you, my friend. This page features
all sorts of witty wordplay on some cool t-shirts in
a whole range of adult sizes. So, jump aboard and buy
some cool t-shirts today.

H1. I'm looking for a juicy sin to commit.
H2. TSA, Don't Touch My Junk!
H3. Your assertiveness training is wearing thin my
Anger Management!
H4. I used to soar with eagles before I got sucked
into a jet engine.
H5. Eat At Hung's
H6. Lethal Use of Farce
H7. Service With A Smile. (because I messed with your
H8. How can I be so wrong, when everything I do is
H9. Guest of Horror
H10. Wiki Leaker
H11. Turn your head and cough
H12. Scatological Liar
H13. Who's Got Short Shorts. I've Got Short Shorts.
H14. Can we schedule a play date?
H15. Glutton For Punishment
H16. Thank you, sir. May I have another?
H17. Your Smart
H18. Carry your own emotional baggage!
H19. If at first you don't succeed, don't go skydiving.
H20. Woulda Coulda Shoulda
H21. My Grandchildren Must Be Spoiled Because They
Smell Bad!
H22. I can multi-task (talk and piss you off at the
same time)
H23. All I ask is that you treat me no differently
than you would the Queen.
H24. It's hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world.
H25. They say that money talks but mine just waves,
H26. I can't fix stupid.
H27. You can hug a tree, but going any farther is
H28. FCUK You, you dyslexic bastard!
H29. Don't Even Think About Asking To Hold The Baby
H30. Stop Your Whining!
H31. I Flunked Anger Management!
H32. My Kids' ATM Machine
H33. Where you stand depends upon where you sit.
H34. Life will be the death of me yet
H35. It's hard to reach for the stars when you always
have your head up your butt.
H36. Insurance Motto: Like A Good Neighbor Screw You
Katrina Survivors
H37. Vince Charming
H38. How do you say Dyslexia backwards?
H39. Stop Criticizing & Start Helping.
H40. My aptitude test says, "Best suited for
Organ Donor."
H41. Silent Treatment in Session
H42. Pretentious Slob
H43. Humid Resources
H44. Show Me The Funny
H45. You! Outta the Gene Pool.
H46. There is no "me" in team. No, wait,
yes there is!
H47. I've never ever ever ever ever been in denial!
H48. I'm not supersticious at all, knock on wood.
H49. I'm a good book. Wanna curl up with me?
H50. Pickle People Do It With Relish
H51. You Have The Right To Remain Violent
H52. Dump Him
H53. Hoe Depot
H54. Bro's Before Ho's
H55. I learn all my social skills from my television
H56. Don't make me send my flying monkeys after you!
H57. Sorry for the stupidity. It started before I
was born.
eat me, eat me, eat me, eat me
H59. If at first you do succeed,
try not to look astonished.
H60. All Generalizations Are False.
H61. I'm a Local. Go away!
H62. Scent is tied to memory, but all I can remember
are farts.
H63. No need to get defensive (when you can get offensive
H64: When I'm In My Left Brain, I'm Not In My Right
H65. If you fall out of that tree and break your leg,
don't come running to me!
H66. If I've Told You Once, I've Told You A Thousand
H67. I like to get drunk and check out the personal
H68. I believe in racial discrimination. All racists
need to be
discriminated against.
H69. I have nothing to declare except my genius and
H70. Don't bug me...I'm on my cell phone.
H71. Good Boys Need Spankings Too!
H72. The quickest way to get something in today's
is to call to find out where the hell it is.
H73. Don't get your hopes up, you little scurvy butt-monkey.
H74. Freaky Deaky
H75. i have a dirty mouth and know how to use it
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Hear what the customers are saying about
cool t-shirts:
Aaaaargh, matey! Thars some mighty fine cool t-shirts
on this rambunctious website. Thar she blows! I've spotted
some pretty cool t-shirts here with wacky slogans. Even
me parrot loves the tees here, savvy? If it weren't
for having trouble getting these cool t-shirts over
me hook, I would buy a gross of them. But, I recommend
these cool t-shirt to any swashbuckler and bucko or
bucket who might be reading me words now. Buy a bunch
and that's an order! Aaaaargh!
- Jesse Jackson (aka, Steve the Pirate)
Suddenly Seymour was standing beside me and telling
me to buy a bunch of these cool t-shirts. And, so I
did. I must admit the quality of these cool t-shirts
is much better than I imagined. I mean, Seymour was
so right! So, I'm actually wearing twelve cool t-shirts
from this site right now. Right on!
- Don Ho
If you're not finding what you're looking for on this site, then we have a sister site that carries funny jokes on t-shirts and other hilarious merchandise. So check it out!