Humorous T-shirts
Humorous t-shirts are a way to put a smile on anyone's
face. With a humorous t-shirt you can deliver the gift
of laughter to a loved one, friend, co-worker or the
public at large. In fact, if you're into jokes then
why not by some humorous t-shirts for every day of the
week? In double fact, if you'd like to be like a joke-a-day
calendar, then buy different humorous t-shirts for every
day of the year! We wholeheartedly endorse this.

E1. I have a mind like a steel trapeze.
E2. Heart 2 Sizes 2 Small
E3. You want it yesterday? We'll have to reschedule
E4. I'm a paranoid writer who has developed quite
a following.
E5. Best Day Ever!
E6. I Pee In The Pool
E7. School Of Hard Knocks. Graduate of Who's There.
E8. Too Big To Fail
E9. If you see me getting smaller, I'm leaving.
E10. Your Rules Don't Apply To Me
E11. Research says couples attract because of smell
& that's something I have a lot of.
E12. Ego Trip. One-Way Ticket.
E13. All We Are Saying Is Give PIZZA Chance.
E14. There's Never Anything To Eat Around Here!
E15. Inner Beauty Is Over-Rated.
E16. You Can Talk To Me When You See Monkeys Flying
Out Of My Butt.
E17. You Have No Idea Who You're Messing With
E18. That's what HE said
E19. Maybe I'm Prejudice, But There's Something Wrong
When I See An Illegal Alien Driving An Uninsured Car
Chatting On A Cell Phone.
E20. .22 Caliber Mind in a .357 Magnum World.
E21. Alien Anal Probe Enthusiast
E22. Warning: I have an attitude and know how to use
E23. Of course I don't look busy. I did it right the
first time.
E24. It's better to be a no-talent has-been than a
talented never-was.
E25. Breathe In, Breathe Out. Repeat If Necessary.
E26. How can I miss you if you won't go away?
E27. No good, on the job, has ever come from the phrase,
"I need more work to do."
E28. I Pee On The Toilet Seat
E29. Will Wiki Leaks for Food
E30. I'm A Bad Man
E31. Keep Away From Small Pets and Children
E32. Full Frontal Nerdity
E33. You will meet a tall, dark stranger who will
chop you into tiny pieces. --psychotic reading
E34. Fred's Dingo Farm
E35. Jerk Of All Trades
E36. I am an Atheist because it's God's Plan.
E37. May The Farce Be With You
E38. With Great Power Comes Great Irresponsibility
E39. Eat It Before It Goes Bad
E40. I graduated Laude Cum Quickly!
E41. My long-term goal is to get-rich-quick.
E42. If God created man, God can't be perfect.
E43. I speak SARCASM as a second language.
E44. I learned to play an instrument because I
already mastered Farting.
E45. Neighbors Behaving Badly
E46. Got the Itch to Bitch
E47. If God is so smart, why did He make humans incomplete?
E48. Sometimes I feel like an abandoned vehicle.
E49. All we are saying is give GREEN a chance
E50. Moderation Kills!
E51. Retired: Leave Me Alone.
E52. I have a rifle and it IS tourist season.
E53. Psychokinesis moves me.
E54. dyslexics untie
E55. Eye Candy
E56. I was abducted by Aliens and all I got was this
lousy t-shirt!
E57. Certified Hokey Pokey Instructor
E58. Licensed To Chill
E59. You have to change before I can like you.
E60. Constant Supervision Needed
E61. Attention Deficit ... Uh, ... Disorder
E62. Peripheral Visionary
E63. I Brake For Whales
E64. All That Matters In Sports Is Puck 'N' Balls.
E65. Dump Him
E66. WTF?
E67. Lord Of The Bling Bling
E68. If you go around acting like an asshole, sooner
or later,
you will be covered in crap.
E69. Spermicidal Maniac
E70. Rockin' the Boat
E71. I Am An Artist! (okay, a scam artist)
E72. I am the game and but you can't play me.
E73. I speak Broken English as a second language.
E74. School for Gifted: Where Are My Gifts?
75. Why procrastinate today when you can do it tomorrow?
76. I Pee on Toilet Seats
77. WWGD - What Would Google Do?
78. I know you are, but what am I?
79. I'm the King of the Castle and You're a Dirty
Hear what the politicians are saying about our humorous
These tees make me sneeze since I sneeze when I laugh.
I bought a humorous t-shirt from this place just last
week and I was the life of the party, man. Everybody
loved my humorous t-shirt and I was sneezing all night
long. I'm not used to getting a lot of attention, but
my humorous t-shirts have made me more popular, better
looking and a much better conversationalist. I guess
I'm just going to have to get used to it. These humorous
t-shirts help me with my social life so its money well
- Bill Clinton